Standard communications contract warranty – GME AE2000 User Manual

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1. STATuTOry WArrAnTieS

1.1 The Trade Practices Act Part V, Division 2A and other

legislation imply conditions, warranties and other obliga-
tions on us to consumers that cannot be excluded, re-
stricted or modified. Those provisions apply to the extent
required by law.

1.2 We exclude all other conditions, warranties and obliga-

tions which would otherwise be implied concerning the
activities covered by this agreement.

We limit our liability where we are allowed to do
so. Examples of where we are allowed to limit
liability are -
(a) you acquire goods from us for re-supply;

(b) the goods or services we supply are not of a

kind ordinarily acquired for personal, domes-
tic or household use or consumption.

1.4 Where we are allowed to limit our liability, to the ex-

tent permitted by law, our sole liability for breach of a
condition, warranty or other obligation implied by law is
limited -
(a) in the case of goods we supply, to any one of the

following as we decide -

(i) the replacement of the goods or the supply of

equivalent goods;

(ii) the repair of the goods;

(iii) the payment of the cost of repairing the goods

or of acquiring equivalent goods;

(iv) the payment of the cost of having the goods

repaired; or

(b) in the case of services we supply, to any one of the

following as we decide -

(i) the supplying of the services again;

(ii) the payment of the cost of having the services

supplied again.

2. AddiTiOnAl WArrAnTieS

2.1 The warranties in this clause are in addition to the statu-

tory warranties referred to in the previous clause.

2.2 We warrant our goods to be free from defects in materi-

als and workmanship for one year from the date of
original sale (or another period we agree to in writing).
During this period and as our sole liability to you under
this warranty,we agree to, at our option, either repair
or replace goods which we are satisfied are defective.
We warrant replacement parts for the remainder of the
period of warranty for the goods into which they are

2.3 We warrant our other repairs to be free from defects in

materials and workmanship for three months from the
date of the original repair. During this period and as our
sole liability to you for the repair, we agree to repair or
replace (at our option) repaired goods which we are
are defective.

2.4 We warrant that we will perform services with reasona-

ble care and skill and agree to investigate any complaint
made in good faith that we have performed services
unsatisfactorily. If we are satisfied that the complaint
is justified, and as our sole liability to you under this
warranty, we agree to supply those services again at no
extra charge to you.

2.5 If you want warranty service under this clause you must

give us an original or copy of the sales invoice from the
transaction or some other evidence showing details of
the transaction.

3. OTher liMiTATiOnS

3.1 You may not rely on any representation, warranty or other

provision by or for us which is not covered by clause [ 1 ] or
repeated in this agreement in clear terms.

3.2 We are not liable (nor are our employees, contractors and

agents) for any damage, economic loss or loss of profits
whether direct, indirect, general, special or consequential -
(a) arising out of any breach of any implied or express term,

condition or warranty; or

(b) suffered as a result of our negligence (or that of our

employees, contractors or agents) apart from liability as
set out in the previous two clauses.

3.3 The liability of a party under this agreement (whether arising

in contract, tort or by statute) is to be reduced by the same
proportion as represents the proportion of the loss or dam-
age caused or contributed to by the other party, its contrac-
tors or agents.

GMe AFTer SAleS SerVice

Your GME AE2000 is especially designed for the environment
encountered in land and marine installations. The use of all
solid state circuitry, careful design and rigorous testing, result
in high reliability. Should failure occur however, GME maintain
a fully equipped service facility and spare parts stock to meet
the customer’s requirements long after expiry of the warranty