Starting and operating, New vehicle break-in, Ignition positions – GMC 2012 Savana User Manual

Page 224: New vehicle break-in -16 ignition positions -16, 16 driving and operating

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GMC Savana Owner Manual - 2012 - 2nd - 11/11/11


Driving and Operating

Starting and

New Vehicle Break-In

Notice: The vehicle does not
need an elaborate break-in. But it
will perform better in the long run
if you follow these guidelines:


Keep the vehicle speed at
88 km/h (55 mph) or less for
the first 805 km (500 miles).


Do not drive at any one
constant speed, fast or slow,
for the first 805 km
(500 miles). Do not make
full-throttle starts. Avoid
downshifting to brake or
slow the vehicle.


Avoid making hard stops for
the first 322 km (200 miles) or
so. During this time the new
brake linings are not yet
broken in. Hard stops with
new linings can mean
premature wear and earlier
replacement. Follow this
breaking-in guideline every
time you get new brake


Do not tow a trailer during
break-in. See Trailer Towing
on page 9‑50
for the trailer
towing capabilities of the
vehicle and more

Following break‐in, engine speed
and load can be gradually

Ignition Positions

The ignition switch has four different

To shift out of P (Park), the ignition
must be in ON/RUN or ACC/
ACCESSORY and the regular
brake pedal applied.