Ctivating the, Sat-fi data access vouchers, Activating the app – Globalstar 9600 User Guide for Android User Manual
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Globalstar 9600 User Guide for Android
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4. A
Sat-Fi Data Access Vouchers
You must have a Sat-Fi Data Access Voucher Number to send/receive email & data via the Sat-Fi App.
Your Sat-Fi Data Access Voucher Number is located on your Globalstar 9600 Quick Start Guide.
Activating the App
Perform the following to activate the Sat-Fi App:
Step 1 On your iPhone, iPad or computer connected to the Internet, proceed to the Sat-Fi
Registration Form:
In the Activation Code field, enter your Sat-Fi activation code
In the Full Name field, enter your first and last name
In the Contact Email field, enter your contact email address
In the Preferred User Id field, enter the username you would like to login with
(username must be between 3 and 16 characters)
In the Alternate User Id field, enter another username just in case your preferred
choice has been taken (username must be between 3 and 16 characters)
In the Account Password field, enter the password you would like to login with
(password must be between 6 and 16 characters)
Click on the Accept Terms and Submit button.