GIN Tribe User Manual
Page 13
When you have a big collapse in accelerated flight you must first release the speed bar immediately.
Stay neutral with your weight shift and brake the open side slightly. Let the glider turn, if you have
enough space. This is the optimum action to avoid a spin or stall and help your glider to recover as
fast as possible.
Symmetric deflation
A symmetric (frontal) deflation will normally reopen by itself without any pilot input. The glider will
regain airspeed with a small surge. If counter braking, be careful not to over-correct or to brake too
early, when the glider is still behind you - danger of a stall!
Cravat / glider wrapped around lines
A cravat occurs after a severe deflation when the wingtip becomes trapped in the glider lines. It is
unusual to occur on the Tribe but can happen after big deflations or in cascading situations.
Nevertheless, the pilot should be familiar with the procedure for correcting it. Counter brake and/or
weight shift and pump the brake on the tangled side. On all Gin gliders, there is a separate
stabilizer/winglet main line that goes down to the B riser. This line usually becomes slack in the
event of a cravat. Pull it down completely until it becomes tight and the cravat normally comes out.
Flat spin
In normal thermalling flight, you are very far from the limits of a flat spin. Nevertheless, should this
occur, just let up the brakes and wait for the glider to surge forward, checking it with the brakes if it
surges too far. Never release the spin if the glider is far back behind you, always try to release it,
when it is above or in front of you!