Accelerated flight, Active flying, Landing with the fluid – GIN Fluid User Manual

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The minimum sink rate can be found by pulling the brakes about 20 cm.

Accelerated flight

Once you have become accustomed to flying the FLUID, you can practice using the trimmers on

the front risers, which enables you to increase the speed of your glider, and to decrease

strongly your flight angle. Caution: when flying accelerated, your wing will react in a more
radical manner in turns and the glide angle will be a lot steeper. The active flying is important

in these moments.

Active Flying

The FLUID has a high internal pressure, high resistance to collapses and a high level of passive
security. However, it is recommended with this type of glider to adopt an active handling style

that will help you to fly safely. The key to active handling is to keep your glider above your

head. If the glider has a tendency to lag behind, raise your hands. If the glider has a tendency

to shoot forward, then control it with the brakes. In all cases, always remember to keep

sufficient air-speed and avoid over-piloting. Apply the same active piloting on the groud while

skiing with your canopie above, anticipating unloads.

In turbulent conditions

The FLUID is a very stable glider and collapses on one or both of the front risers are almost

impossible. Extreme turbulence could generate a collapse but the FLUID will resume normal

flight in almost all configurations, so in case of doubt, keep your hands at shoulder height and

let the glider fly.
However, if the glider shoots forward violently, control it with the brakes immediately. To help
your glider resume flight more rapidly, it is recommended to have an active handling, without

being out of time with the wing’s movements.
Caution :
The FLUID is not designed to perform manoeuvres outside the normal flight configuration. Our

test pilots have tested the various reactions in extreme situations; however we strongly

recommend that you do not perform stalls, manoeuvres and spins. It is also strongly
recommended not to fly aerobatics with the FLUID.

Landing with the FLUID

Choose a landing area free of obstacles. It is recommended to flair correctly, it will enable you

to obtain a nil vertical speed and to slide on your skis. Do not make your last turn at low height,

or make a radical turn close to the ground.