Resume/hold, Resume - playing from where you have slopped, Hold - deactivating all buttons – Philips AZ 7394 User Manual

Page 16: Operation

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ESA - Electronic Shock Absorption Memory

PSM - Power Save Mode

Press the ESA button repeatedly to switch to ESA—PSM—off.

-► The ESA/PSM symbol lights up in the display.

-► The ESA memory continuously stores in advance the CD

data to be played. This is to prevent sound skipping

during play due to shock and vibration.

->■ Prolonged shocks and vibrations may empty the ESA

memory completely and CD play will be interrupted.

Note: When switching the ESA and PSM feature on and off, CD play will be delayed

or interrupted for a short time.


RESUME - playing from where you have slopped |

1 Activate the RESUME feature by sliding the RESUME/HOLD

switch to the center setting.

2 If you stop CD play by pressing the STOP ■ button, the last

position played will be stored.

3 Press ►!! to resume CD play from the position it was

stopped at.

HOLD - deactivating all buttons

Activate the HOLD feature by sliding the RESUME/HOLD switch to the far right.

-► Now all buttons are locked until you switch the feature off again. If you press a

button (except OPEN), the display will indicate HOLD.

Note: - In the HOLD position, the RESUME function is automatically activated.

- Opening the lid erases the information about the position played last


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