Futaba 6FN User Manual
Page 12

4. When the trainer button of Tx1 is depressed,
radio waves will be directly radiated from
Tx1, but the control operation is shifted to
Tx2. Consequently, the student can exercise
control only during the period the instructor
is depressing the trainer button. When the
instructor releases the button, he can exer-
cise direct control over all operations.
5. Perform neutral adjustment of the other
transmitter on the ground before beginning
actual flight. Adjust the trim of both trans-
mitters so that the rudder servos are not
operated when the trainer button is de-
6. Since power is supplied from Tx1 even when
the student is operating, the current drain of
Tx1 will be about 10% greater than when
used independently.
7. Deflection of the meter will become small
when the trainer cord is connected, but this
is normal.
Switch ON
Tx1 (Instructor side: Transmitter combined with receiver.)
Tx2 (Student side)
Fig. 4
Trainer switch
Student Transmitter
Trainer cord socket
Special trainer cord