Fredenstein f603b equalizer – Fredenstein F603B User Manual
Page 3

Fredenstein F603B Equalizer
Please power down your rack or box first, before inserting the F603B. The power requirements are
maximum +/-16V, +/-200mA. In case you don't use a Fredenstein Bento, please make sure your box
or rack can support the current. Please consult your third party documentation in case of any doubt.
User Controls:
High Frequency Control:
Select the desired corner frequency for the high frequency shelving filter by flipping the switch up
or down:
7000 Hz, 9000 Hz, 11 kHz and 13 kHz
High Frequency Gain:
Apply +/- 16 dB of high frequency gain.
Hi Mid Frequency Control:
Select the desired frequency for the hi mid frequency band pass filter by flipping the switch up or
1000 Hz, 1500 Hz, 2000 Hz, 3000 Hz, 4000 Hz, Hz and 5000 Hz
Hi Mid Frequency Gain:
Apply +/- 16 dB of hi mid frequency gain.
Low Mid Frequency Control:
Select the desired frequency for the low mid frequency band pass filter by flipping the switch up or
200 Hz, 250 Hz, 330 Hz, 450 Hz, 600 Hz, and 800 Hz
Low Mid Frequency Gain:
Apply +/- 16 dB of low mid frequency gain.
Low Frequency Control:
Select the desired corner frequency for the low frequency shelving filter by flipping the switch up or
60 Hz, 85 Hz, 120 Hz, and 230 Hz
Low Frequency Gain:
Apply +/- 16 dB of low frequency gain.
Hard Bypass function if switch is lit. Signal on the output is the input signal, no amplifiers are in the
signal path (Filter Frequency LEDs will turn off).
The F603A automatically stores all parameters when turned off and reloads them on the next
power up, no need to fill out recall sheets. If inserted in a Bento D box, all parameters are displayed
on the LCD display.
Fredenstein F603B Manual V1.1 July 18, 2014 Page 2