FloAire PCU Filtration User Manual

Page 12

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PCU is configured at the factory. PCU has to be re-configured ONLY if filter types in any
filter module are changed.

To Configure the PCU a 4 digit PIN (5678) is entered using middle and bottom buttons.

The following are the sub menus available

Configure PCU modules

This sub menu steps through the process of configuration. Module count
for the PCU assembly is entered followed by the filter type for each

The bottom button is used to step though the available filter types. The
middle button is used to select the desired filter type for each module.

PCU number

The number for this PCU will be displayed in reverse video and is
selected using the bottom and middle buttons. This number allows for up
to 8 PCUs to exist on one modbus network. Once the middle button is
pressed to select the PCU number, a prompt will be displayed to press
any button to reboot the PCU filter monitor module. This is required for
proper operation after the modbus address is changed.

Inlet pressure variation percentage

This sub menu allows the user to adjust the variation in inlet pressure for
faults to be detected by the PCU.

The default parameter setting is 15%, i.e. if the pressure at the inlet of
the PCU drops by more than 15% of the calibrated value due to changes
in inlet conditions like Missing Hood Filters or Open Duct Access doors,
all faults on the PCU except “Missing Door” will be IGNORED.

Edit Calibration Values

This sub menu allows the user to change stored calibration values.

Upper and lower limits for filter module pressures are set at 5.000” and

Upper and lower limits for inlet and outlet pressures are set at 5.000” and

Edit Discharge Threshold

This sub menu allows the user to change the discharge threshold to help
detect Missing Door fault. Default value is set at 0.1”.

The Inlet pressure variation percentage, Calibration Values and Discharge Threshold setting
can be changed anytime without the need to recalibrate the unit.


This menu has 5 screens which can be stepped through using the bottom button. The
first screen displays the filter type for up to 5 modules. The second screen displays the
software revision, number of modules, the configuration number currently selected, PCU
number and software CRC. The third screen displays the calibration values for modules 1
through 4. The fourth screen displays the calibrations values for module 5, the total
calibration value across the PCU, inlet calibration value and the discharge calibration
value. The fifth screen displays the Inlet pressure variation percentage setting and
discharge threshold limit.