Script locations, Mac os x, Windows – Expert Sleepers MIDI & OSC Scripting v1.1.0 User Manual
Page 6: Overriding the default script, Midi & osc script functions, Getparameterid( param )
Script locations
The plug-in looks for MIDI & OSC scripts in standard locations. Scripts must have the file-
name extension “.lua”.
Mac OS X
The plug-in looks for scripts in
Library/Application Support/Expert Sleepers/
Library/Application Support/Expert Sleepers/Oomingmak/Scripts
The plug-in looks for scripts in
C:\Documents and Settings\
C:\Documents and Settings\
Overriding the default script
Normally any scripts that the plug-in finds are run in addition to (and after) the default
script (‘midi.lua’) that comes with the plug-in itself.
However, if you name your own script ‘midi.lua’, then the default script is not run. This
lets you completely replace the plug-in’s default MIDI behaviour, rather than simply ex-
tend it.
MIDI & OSC Script Functions
The scripts are simply loaded and executed. You do not need to define any particular func-
tions for the system to call.
The following functions are available for you to call to define your script behaviour.
getParameterID( param )
Returns the parameter ID of the named parameter. Use with setParameter()/
getParameter() (see below). E.g.
paramID_Pitch = getParameterID( "Pitch" )