Received osc commands, Ping s:returnurl s:returnpath, Set i:param f:value – Expert Sleepers OSC Control v1.0.0 User Manual
Page 4: Get i:param s:returnurl s:returnpath
Most Expert Sleepers plug-ins can be controlled via the Open Sound Control (OSC) proto-
col. Refer to the user manual of the individual plug-ins for information on their particular
OSC implementation.
If you’r
Two settings control what port the plug-in uses to listen on for OSC com-
mands. One is the base OSC port, set in the plug-in’s preferences window.
The second is the OSC Port Offset control. If the port offset is set to some-
thing other than ‘Off’, then the two numbers are added together and the
result used as the port number. E.g. if the base port is 6000 and the port off-
set is 1, then the plug-in will listen on port 6001.
Received OSC Commands
In the documentation below, OSC parameters are prefixed with a string to indicate their
type, as follows:
s - string
i - integer
f - float
b - boolean
All the examples assume that the plug-in is listening at address
/ping s:returnUrl s:returnPath
Responds by sending a message back to the returnUrl and returnPath with the parameters
s:hosturl s:version
/ping osc.udp:// “/foo”
replies to with
/foo osc.udp:// “
/foo osc.udp:// “oomingmak 1.0.0”
/set i:param f:value
Sets the value of parameter ‘param’ to ‘value’.
/get i:param s:returnUrl s:returnPath
Responds by sending a message back to the returnUrl and returnPath with the parameters