Euro Cuisine YM80 User Manual

Page 7

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separate bowl until the yogurt is dissolved and you have a smooth mixture. (The plain yogurt
can either be purchased from a store or from a previous batch of homemade yogurt. If you
use the homemade yogurt, please repeat only 1 time. Freeze-dried Yogurt Starter can be
used instead of yogurt. Follow the directions on the Yogurt Starter package).

7. Mix the room temperature milk very well with the smooth mixture as prepared above.
8. Pour the mixture into the seven jars of the yogurt maker.
9. Place the Jars – without the white lids – in the yogurt maker.
10. Cover the yogurt maker with its clear cover.

Boiling ensures a firmer yogurt familiar to most American tastes.

For Softer Yogurt Without Boiling: You do not have to boil the pasteurized milk; however
you must make sure that the milk is lukewarm (95∞F) before pouring it into the glass jars.

For Firmer Yogurt Without Boiling: Just add 10 tablespoons of powdered milk to the room
temperature pasteurized milk before pouring it into the glass jars.

1. Plug the yogurt maker into the wall socket.
2. Push the switch button on, the pilot lamp will go on.
3. Set the hour reminder to the time desired for the yogurt to be ready. It will take about seven

hours to make yogurt with whole milk. For skimmed milk will takes about ten hours. The hour
reminder will not switch off the yogurt maker. It just reminds you when to push off switch
button and remove the plug from the wall socket.

4. When the yogurt is ready, turn off the unit and remove the plug from the socket.