9 accessing the 640h from a pc – Cambridge Audio Azur 640H User Manual

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3.9 Accessing the 640H from a PC

Windows Vista uses a different authentication level by default (NTLMv2)
to that of Windows XP and embedded servers such as the 640H (LM
and NTLM). This means that a Vista machine cannot access the 640H
without LM and NTLM protocols being enabled in Vista itself. If you try to
access the 640H, you will get a “The parameter is incorrect” message:

Note: The instructions below involve modifying the “Windows Registry”.
It is strongly recommended to make a backup of the system before you
make the modifications. This can be done via the “System Restore”
wizard. The wizard is located in “Back up your computer” in the “Control
Panel”. Cambridge Audio cannot be held responsible for any damage,
software or hardware that occurs through any direct modification of the
registry. Please carry out the instructions below only!

For all editions of Vista, we have created a file that changes the
authentication level so the Vista PC can access the 640H. To download
and run this file, please carry out following:

1. Go to the Cambridge Audio 640H networking support page:
+software and single left click on “Vista Network”.

2. Save the zip file to your desktop.

3. Single right click on the zip and select “Extract All”:

4. Select the location you wish to extract the file to and press “Extract”:

5. Double left click on the “Vista Network Patch.reg” icon inside the zip.

6. A window called “User Account Control” may appear asking “Windows

needs your permission to continue”. If this window appears, single
left click “Continue”.

7. A new window will appear asking “Are you sure you want to continue”.

Single left click on “Yes”:

6. For the Friendly name, you can enter anything you like to denote what

your selection is. For example, if you have chosen to add your whole
collection to the 640H, it could be “My PC Music”. If you only add a
particular artist, album etc, then it could be the name of the artist or

7. The File location, as the name suggests, is where you enter the

location of your MP3 music on your computer. The way you enter the
file location is as follows: \\computer name\MP3 share folder name,
i.e. \\lounge\MP3. The computer name and MP3 share folder name
is as described in the “Setting up your PC to share music over a
network” section earlier.

8. It is possible to add many locations to your 640H either from different

network devices or from the same network device (i.e. PC). This also
means you can add different folders to your 640H content from within
your main MP3 folder. To do this, for example, say you have music on
your computer in folders called “Aerosmith” and “Robbie Williams,” that
exist in your MP3 folder, if you want to add these folders individually,
your enter (using the lounge\MP3 example above):
\\lounge\MP3\Aerosmith and \\lounge\MP3\Robbie Williams.
Note: you have to go through the process “Adding Content to your 640H
from your PC” as described here for each location you want to add.

9. The “User name” needs to be any account on your PC that has

administrator privileges, for example “Administrator”. The “Password”
needs to be the password that corresponds to that “User name”.

10. Select the “Scan” button and then select “Start”. This will then scan

your computer and create a database in the 640H listing the
contents of the PC:

Note: The actual music file itself does not get transferred. What
happens is that the 640H creates a database that points to the
locations of the music files on your computer. The 640H does this
over two stages: “Scanning content” and “Updating the database”,
the status of which are shown on the 640H user interface:

Both stages can take a long time depending on the amount of songs
you have in your collection. When the whole process is completed,
you will see the computer contents in your music library.