CLIFFORD Bullet 4 User Manual
Page 7

Plain View 2 Coded Valet Mode
All car alarms have a valet mode that turns off the security features. This mode turns off the alarm if the system is not responding to the remote. However,
thieves disable other alarms by flicking this easy-to-find “hidden” valet switch. In contrast, your system has safeguards that ensure a thief cannot enable the
valet mode as a way of “turning off” your system. To enable valet mode, the driver must first enter the secret valet/disarming PIN (personal identification
number) code — the same PIN code described in the BlackJax anti-carjacking section — on the PlainView 2 switch mounted on your vehicle’s dash or
console. When the system is in valet mode, it overrides AutoArming and all other security features, which is handy when refueling or washing your car.
The system’s factory- set valet/disarming PIN code is 2: ✱✱ blank.
NOTE: If you tem po rar ily lose the use of your re mote con trols, you can dis arm the sys tem by ena bling valet mode.
Entering a code
To enter your PIN code, press the ✱ button the appropriate number of times on the PlainView 2 switch followed by the blank button. To enter a zero, you
simply press the blank button.
EX AM PLE: To en ter a code of 1203, you would press: ✱ blank, ✱✱ blank, blank, ✱✱✱ blank.
To en able valet mode
1. Turn the ignition switch to its “ON” position or start the engine if it is not already running.
2. Enter your valet/disarming PIN code on the PlainView 2 switch.
3. Continue pressing the blank button for 4 seconds. Release the button. The LED will continue to remain on for ongoing visual confirmation of valet mode.
To exit valet mode and re store nor mal operation
1. Turn the ignition switch to its “ON” position or start the engine if it is not already running.
2. Enter your valet/disarming PIN code on the PlainView 2 switch. The LED will turn off.
Re mote Con trolled Valet Mode
Valet mode turns off all security features and prevents AutoArming when, for instance, having your car washed. To turn valet mode on/off, press the
LevelShift button twice, then button 1 (master remote) or simultaneously press the
buttons (companion remote). Two parking light flashes
confirm valet mode on, one flash confirms valet mode off. The dashboard LED will glow continuously when valet mode is on. Your system remains in valet
mode until you again press this button combination to turn it off and restore normal operation. This is a user-selectable feature and may be programmed off if
you wish to use this button combination for a different function. There is a slight security risk associated with remote controlled valet mode in that a carjacker
familiar with Clifford systems could possibly engage valet mode via the remote control before the BlackJax anti-carjacking feature is triggered. Although this is
an unlikely scenario, you may prefer to turn off valet mode entry/exit via the remote control using the User-selectable features programming (column 2, row 3).
False Alarm Pre ven tion & FACT™
With FACT (False Alarm Control and Test), you’ll never experience repeated false alarms. If the siren sounds, DO NOT disarm; allow it to run for the
full siren duration. Before sounding the siren a second time, the system automatically checks for another activated sensor or trigger to verify that an
intrusion is in progress. This feature is user-selectable.
High- Output In sig nia Si ren
This Clifford-engineered siren is more rugged than generic sirens and has these features:
User-selectable chirp volume:
You can control the volume of the arm and disarm chirps. From the factory, your system issues QuietChirps. If
you prefer, you may select the full-volume LoudChirp acknowledgments. See User-selectable features.
Remote siren silencing:
If triggered by a non-threatening event, you can silence the siren without remotely disarming. Press button 1 (master
remote) or button
(companion) while the siren is sounding. Two chirps confirm that the sensor activated the alarm and the system is
remaining armed. Four chirps confirm that the system is still armed, but that the ignition is on or the hood, trunk or a door is open and that this
may indeed be a genuine theft attempt.
Automatic noise abatement:
Alarm sounding is limited to five siren duration cycles even if a door is left open in the wake of an intrusion.
Long-term chirp silencing:
You may silence the arm and disarm chirps on a long-term basis until you decide to restore them. Your vehicle’s
parking light flashes will continue to provide visual confirmation of remote controlled system arming and disarming. See User-selectable features.
Selectable siren duration (non-European models only*):
You may change the factory set 30-second siren duration to 60 or 90 seconds via
the programming procedure or via the CliffNet Wizard software. See User-selectable features.
Personalized Siren Sounds (non-European models only*):
The Medallion siren sounds six different alarm sounds. You may turn any of the
six sounds on or off via the User-selectable features programming to create a different combination of sound patterns. So if you hear a siren at a
distance, you will know for sure whether it is your car or someone else’s. See User-selectable features (column 1, row 2). What’s more, with the
optional Clif fNet Wiz ard software and Da ta Port Replicator Cable, you may select up to six sounds from more than a dozen different siren sound
choices for truly unique customization.
Choose when your Per son al ized Si ren Sounds* play:
For more information at a distance, you may choose to have your Per son al ized Si ren
Sounds “play” every time the alarm is set off, or you may set them to sound them only upon trigger activation. When set to “trigger only” the
basic siren wail will sound if a sensor is activated, but the Personalized Siren Sounds will play if the hood, trunk or a door is opened. See
User-selectable features (column 1, row 3).
* EC regu la tions pro hibit this fea ture in Europe