Gain, Advanced parameters, Soft knee – E-MU 1212M PCIe User Manual
Page 93: Gain advanced parameters soft knee

5 - Effects
Core Effects Descriptions
E-MU PCIe Digital Audio Systems
When the Auto-release parameter is in its signal-dependent settings, the Release time
shown represents the shortest possible release time. In Auto-release modes the
displayed Release time will be automatically extended depending on the dynamics of
the input signal.
Caution! The Gain
control can increase the
signal level to the point of
clipping. Excessive signal
levels can damage
speakers as well as your
Sets the compressor's output gain in dB, from +60dB boost to-60dB cut. This control
follows all of the other elements in the compressor's signal path, so positive gain boost
can be used to make up for the gain reduction normally applied to signals above the
compression threshold. Alternatively, negative gain cut can be used to make up for the
gain increase that is applied to signals below the threshold in Soft Knee mode.
Auto Makeup Mode:
When adjusted downward past the -60dB cut, the Gain
parameter begins operating in Auto Makeup mode. Auto Makeup mode is used to
compensate for the drop in output level normally resulting from the gain reduction
actions of the Threshold and Ratio parameters. Auto Makeup makes it much easier to
adjust these parameters since there is no need to switch back and forth to the Gain
parameter in order to perform the gain compensation manually.
Auto Makeup should
not be used when in
negative compression
ranges (see the Neg
Compression parameter
Use manual
Gain control instead.
Auto Makeup looks at the gain reduction implied by the setting of the Threshold and
Ratio parameters and automatically applies a complementary gain increase so that an
ideal 0dB input signal results in a 0dB - or lower - output signal. In this mode, indicated
by the Threshold legend,
the Gain parameter adjusts the output level
from that 0dB input signal to fall anywhere in the range of 0dB down to -60dB.
Advanced Parameters
This parameter controls whether the “Advanced Parameters” listed in this section are
hidden or exposed on the screen. For simple applications, quick edits or for novice
users, these advanced parameters can be hidden to minimize screen clutter and
preclude erroneous operation. For special and exotic applications and for experienced
users, these parameters can be exposed to allow access to all the gory details of the
compressor's operation.
Note that even when this parameter is set to “Off”, the settings of the advanced param-
eters are still active; the only effect of this parameter is to hide them from the screen.
Soft Knee
This parameter sets the depth of the compression transition region, giving an
adjustable hard or soft “knee” to the compressor's gain curve. Setting the depth of this
region results in a knee shape that can be varied from a sharp transition to one that is
imperceptibly gradual.
With the default value of Off, the Soft Knee parameter causes the gain curve to switch
immediately at the Threshold point from no compression (1:1) to full compression
(1:Ratio), representing the hard knee effect. By adjusting the parameter value, an
additional knee threshold can be created 1dB to 60dB below the regular compression
Threshold. Between these two thresholds the effective compression ratio increases
smoothly along the curve of a circular arc, from 1:1 at the lower knee threshold to the
full compression of 1:Ratio at the upper Threshold. Both the Soft Knee depth and the
Ratio will affect the particular shape of the knee: shallower depths and higher Ratios
will create a sharper knee, while greater depths and lower ratios create a softer knee.