Advanced configuration – Empress Effects Tape Delay User Manual
Page 9

Advanced Configuration
The Empress Tape Delay ships with the following default behaviour:
no presets, buffered bypass, and smooth delay time changes. You
can modify this behaviour in the advanced configuration.
Entering the advanced configuration: Unplug the power from the
Tape Delay. Plug the power back in while holding down both the tap
and bypass stompswitches. The bypass LED should blink twice to
confirm that you are in the advanced configuration.
Factory reset: While in the advanced configuration, press the
following stompswitches in order: tap, bypass, tap, bypass. The LEDs
will do a little dance to confirm that the Tape Delay has been reset
to its factory settings. Please note that this overwrites the current
presets with the factory presets.
Modifying the advanced configuration: Each toggle controls a
configuration parameter. When a parameter is modified, the red
tap LED will blink to confirm that a change has been made.