Control description, Chapter 2 – Drawmer DMS-5 M-Clock Plus AES Grade 1 Master Clock / Dual Sample Rate Conv. User Manual

Page 6

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Sample Rate Converter 1

Three inputs are conveniently located on the front panel for easy access - SPDIF, TOSLINK and AES.
Toggle through the “Source” switch to select the desired input. A lock LED is provided - when lit a
strong signal is being recieved by that input source and the M-Clock Plus is “locked on”. If the LED
is off the input source may be missing, weak or unstable - in this case the source of the signal
should be located and improved.


A switch provides either 16 or 24 Bit operation.

Sample Rate Converter 2

Toggle through the “Source” switch to select the
desired input on the S.R.C.2 outputs on the rear
panel. A lock LED is provided on the front - when lit
a strong signal is being recieved by that input
source and the M-Clock Plus is “locked on”. If the
LED is off the input source may be missing, weak
or unstable - in this case the source of the signal
should be located and improved.


As above.



A Blue/White LCD display wth four switchable modes of operation: When reading from it’s own
internal clock the M-Clock Plus will display a sample rate of 44.1kHz. , when reading from an
EXTernal source it displays either FREQ, ±PPM or ±% depending on the mode set.
The mode that is selected during power down is saved for the next session.
The display accuracy is 2ppm at all sample rates up to 192kHz, or 0.1Hz increments @
48KHz sample rate


grade 1 stability master clock generator as the equipment
using the word clock outputs from the DMS-5.
In addition, if any equipment in the studio suffers jitter at its
output these sample rate converters may be used to de-jitter
and re-clock the signals before further transmission.
The M-clock Plus provides a wide range of sample rates
from 44.1k upto 192k, all set using the front panel switching.
Each sample rate converter input is fed simultaneously to
AES/EBU, SPDIF and TOSLINK outputs solving any
connectivity problems and allowing signal distribution.

The Drawmer M-Clock Plus supplies ten word clock outputs,
as well as two simultaneous outputs of S/PDIF and AES/
EBU allowing you to synchronize your digital workstation, A/D
converter, digital mixer and a host of other digital audio
equipment through one stable and very accurate unit.
Certain equipment in the studio may not have word clock
inputs which has in the past caused synchronisation
problems, using the DMS-5 M-CLOCK Plus these digital audio
sources may be synched to the same ultra low jitter AES