D.W. Fearn VT-I/F User Manual
Page 5

L I M I T E D 5 -Y E A R WA R R A N T Y
During the warranty period, D.W. Fearn will, at no additional charge, repair or replace defective parts
with new parts.
This warranty does not extend to any VT-I/F that has been damaged or rendered defective as a result
of accident, misuse, or abuse; by the use of parts not manufactured or supplied by D.W. Fearn; or by
unauthorized modification of the VT-I/F. Vacuum tubes are excluded from the 5-year warranty, but are
warranted for a period of 90 days.
Except as expressly set forth in this Warranty, D.W. Fearn makes no other warranties, express or
implied, including any implied warranty of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose.