CLEAR Stick Atlas User Manual

CLEAR Accessories communication

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CLEAR Stick Atlas Software Instructions

Verify the Software Version

1. Connect to Device Home Page by typing http://Clearstick or

into the

web browser

2. Record the version number under the Device tab under Status Summary.

Updating Software

1. Go to

and navigate through list of products to

select the correct device. Verify if the device has the updated software installed. Under

download choose the appropriate software version. If present follow step 2.

2. Compare the software version on device and the CLEAR web page, if different then

download the new version by selecting the desired type file and store to a location on the


3. Connect to Device Home Page by typing http://Clearstick or

into the web


4. Access the CLEAR Stick Atlas Software Update screen through the Device Update on the

Navigational Menu (left side of the screen). Click on the Browse button, navigate to the folder

where the software was saved and click open. Note that the extension of the file may end with

.png. For example, the software file title would be similar to: clearwire_xx_0099.png. If you do

not see a .png file extension, then the file would look similar to: Stick1.07.0099.

Software Version