Chrysler 2014 300 - Owner Manual User Manual
Page 322

• Trunk Ajar
This light will turn on to indicate that the trunk
lid is ajar.
• Oil Pressure Warning Telltale
This telltale indicates low engine oil pressure. If
the light turns on while driving, stop the vehicle and shut
off the engine as soon as possible. A chime will sound for
four minutes when this light turns on.
Do not operate the vehicle until the cause is corrected.
This light does not show how much oil is in the engine.
The engine oil level must be checked under the hood.
• Charging System Telltale
This telltale shows the status of the electrical
charging system. If the telltale stays on or comes
on while driving, turn off some of the vehicle’s non-
essential electrical devices or increase engine speed (if at
idle). If the charging system telltale remains on, it means
that the vehicle is experiencing a problem with the
charging system. Obtain SERVICE IMMEDIATELY. See
an authorized dealer.
If jump starting is required, refer to “Jump Starting
Procedures” in “What To Do In Emergencies”.
• Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) Telltale
This telltale informs you of a problem with the
Electronic Throttle Control (ETC) system. If the
telltale comes on while driving, have the sys-
tem checked by an authorized dealer.