Key fob – Chrysler 2009 Sebring Sedan - Quick Reference Guide User Manual
Page 9

Key Fob
LoCkIng and UnLoCkIng tHE doorS
Press the LoCk button once to lock all the doors.
Press the UnLoCk button once to unlock the driver’s door only
and twice within five seconds to unlock all the doors.
all doors can be programmed to unlock on the first press
of the UnLoCk button.
refer to the owner’s Manual for programming.
ExPrESS down wIndow FEatUrE
Press the UnLoCk button once and release, then immediately press
and hold the UnLoCk button again to lower the driver and
passenger front windows to the desired level.
UnLatCH trUnk
Press the trUnk button twice within five seconds to open the trunk.
rEMotE Start
Press the rEMotE Start button twice within five seconds.
to drive the vehicle, press the UnLoCk button, insert the key
in the ignition and turn to the on/rUn position.
with remote start, the engine will only run for 15 minutes (timeout)
unless the ignition key is placed in the on/rUn position.
the vehicle must be started with the key after two consecutive timeouts.
PanIC aLarM
Press the PanIC button once to turn the panic alarm on.
wait approximately three seconds and press the button a second
time to turn the panic alarm off.
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