Chrysler 2004 Crossfire User Manual

Page 199

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Use brake fluid approved to MB 331.0, or a DOT 4 brake
fluid with: minimum dry boiling point (ERBP) 500°F,
minimum wet boiling point (WERBP) 356°F, maximum
viscosity 1500 mm2/s, conforming to FMVSS 116 and ISO


Use of a brake fluid that may have a lower initial
boiling point or unidentified as to specification, may
result in sudden brake failure during hard pro-
longed braking. You could have an accident.


Use only brake fluid that has been in a tightly closed
container to avoid contamination from foreign mat-
ter. Use of contaminated fluid may result in reduced
brake performance or a sudden brake failure. You
could have an accident.


Do not allow petroleum-based fluid to contaminate
the brake fluid as seal damage will result!

Automatic Transmission

The fluid in the automatic transmission should be
changed at 80,000 miles (129,000 km), along with the
transmission fluid filter. After that, the transmission fluid
is filled for life.

Selection of Lubricant
It is important that the proper lubricant is used in the
transmission to assure optimum transmission perfor-
mance. Use only ATF approved to MB 236.10, MB 236.12.
Synthetic Dexron III

௡ Automatic Transmission Fluid may

be substituted. Refer to the Recommended Fluids, Lubri-
cants and Genuine Parts section for the correct fluid type.
It is important that the transmission fluid be maintained
at the prescribed level using the recommended fluid.