GE 94353 Power Gear DC to AC Power Inverter User Manual
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1. Inserte lo punta ol conector de
coaiente continua de 12 V,
el indicodor de poder deberá
. Apog ue el a pa roto a ntes de
conectar al enchufe de corriente
penodo de novenos dios desde lo re№o de lo ccmpra ongnoi.
ccmoiiDredede№cttsder imresdoaid reponxion o reemptxooeesteprodjctoy nose eKtiendeo donosccnsecuenttsoinadenoaes en otros producoss Qje puedon ser usados con esu undoa gorottio es en vee de cudquierotiaexpFesaoinTticioa Algunosestooosnopermi» imresdones oioempodeifmiudoo permite el ewiusiónoiinmacicnes oeioonoeincidentoi o consiguiente asiel iimiucion del omu no QjecanUd del estodoo estodo 9 lo urtddd lesuto derectuosd dirane el penodo degorontio.aevciveno prepogoaa o: Jasco Products Ccnpoi^. 311 N.W. i22na Street. OMoncms ci^. OK. 73ii4 comprescreso tmus. Oe ю conirono робпо oorrr Uflo permonentey u gorontu 11010» estsneacomo кетепскпм» prevumente • Noosnectee) nveiscracrcuP» de ovnente Oteme cuyos conductores neutros ésten conectedos o tierra o oi рою negetu de ю mente de podertuteiioi. • Pora uso en intenores INSTRUaiONS: L Insert plug into cigarette lighter socket until the power indicator illuminates. 2. Turn off the switch to device before connecting. 3. Plug device into AC outlet. 4. Turn on and check for proper operation. CAUTION: • Hot recomrnended to r ute with inductee K> lesiiurewron^wiiMvaa ssuchosftKrestent me nverttr is deagnedrcr connectKn direct to stondora eiecirtccl • Do not connect the inverter toory AC Md crcut in wndt tee neulroi ccrdjcter IS connected te ground (eortn cr to tee negated or tee K Cdtteiyisource. contnuousoperaecn • DO not cpen product 90 DAY LIMITED WARRANTY worron^ is in lieu or on oteer wr rattles express or implied. Some sratesdo not oiiow iimitoticrts on now long on impted worron^ lasts cr permit the exclusicrt or iimreoeon of inadentoi or conseqjentioi damages, so tee ooove nmitedons may not A A A ® ccrtiraiiopuiioocintr Otnennsepermonent umegemcyresutoind worronv will he veta
Jdsco Prodjcts Compaq vwrronts teis product te De
free from raonurdctiring oetects tor d period of nine^
days from the ortginoi oote of consumer purchase.
mis worronv IS limited to tee lepar or reptuement cr tns
product or^ ond does not extend te consequeneoi or incidentoi
domoge te other products tedt may u used with this urn. Tiis
app^ to you This warranv gk* *» you speoitc r igms. and you may
olso hove other ngnts which voiy from stote to stote 9mp^
return ta Josco ProdJCts Compaq. 311 N.w. I22nd Street.
Okloumo Clh'.OK 73114