Bricasti Design M7 Midi Application Guide User Manual

M7 midi application guide

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M7 Midi Application Guide

Dear M7 owner,

Thank you for buying our product and I hope you find it to be a unique addition to your
studio. To determine if your M7 can perform MIDI program changes, please look in the
system page and see if your unit has MIDI channel select as an item. If so, you can do a
basic midi program change with it. Here is how it works:

1. Set the midi channel you wish to use on the system page. This will set the M7 to

receive the midi data on the desired channel, in this case program change.

2. The midi program change in this version will recall programs from the user

registers only, mapped one to one. Midi program change 0 = M7 Register Bank 0
program 0 in the M7 and so on.

3. You will next need to store the presets programs you want in the corresponding

user registers as the current midi program change application will not load from
the presets programs or the 1-4 keys on the front panel. Storing the desired preset
programs in the corresponding user registers is how you map a midi program
change to a desired effect.

4. Once you have programs stored in the desired user registers, place the M7 in

Register mode by manually loading a program from a user register. It is now
ready to receive the midi program changes.

5. Start the sequencer or application that generates the changes and the M7 should

follow and load the programs from the user register.

6. To turn it off, just manually load a preset program, placing the M7 in PROG

mode and it will ignore the midi commands.

We will bring out a more comprehensive application in the next version, but this basic
version should give you a simple application that should work in many instances.

If your M7 does not have MIDI Channel select in the system menu, then please contact
us and we can arrange to have the version sent to you.

[email protected]
