Lubrication, Bearings, Grinding plates – BICO UA Pulverizer User Manual
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Keep the grease cups properly filled at all times with high-temperature grease. Regular
daily lubrication is essential to protect the bearings. If the Pulverizer is in constant use,
turn grease cups down 1/8 turn at least twice daily.
The front needle-type roller bearing (UA-55N) and rear bearing babbitted bushing (UA-56)
are removable and replaceable. When installing a new UA-55N do not over-tighten; a set
screw (UA-59) will hold the front bearing in place. Hand tighten the UA-59 only, then
tighten the lock nut to secure.
Bico grinding plates are available in a variety of materials and hardness to provide you
with the best performance for your type of sample.
All plates (disc) are 8" in diameter and bear the Bico part number on the back side. A set
of two (2) plates are required when running the machine - one stationary plate (with hole)
located on the door and one revolving plate located on the flange. New machines are
factory installed with the standard Iron Alloy Plates (UA-51/52).
Proper installation and maintenance is very important to assure long wear and fine grind.
Perfect plate alignment is essential for optimum machine performance. The UA-1000
Plate aligner is available to assist you with this procedure. Following is a list of the various
plate materials available.