AvMap Importing Flight Plans from RocketRoute User Manual

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Aeronautical Products

Import Flight Plans from RocketRoute


The EKP IV and Geopilot series are compatible with RocketRoute flight planning service.

You can create Flight Plans on RocketRoute and export them on your AvMap EKP V

aeronautical navigator. You can use the RocketRoute Flight Planning web app http://www. on any device.

1. Compile a flight plan on, save and Export.

2. Select

AvMap format and Save the file to a known location on your PC


3. Once you have obtained from RocketRoute the file in AvMap format (.GPX) you can

import it in your Geopilot or EKP IV using the GPXconverter application. Download for free


and extract the content of the .rar folder.

4. Extract from the navigator the memory card (SD or CF) and insert it into a memory card

reader. If the Card does not contain any USERIMG.bin, then copy here the .bin file found in

the folder you have just downloaded.