Audio Note Speaker Foam Replacement User Manual

Audio Note Audio accessories

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Woofer Foam Surround Replacement Procedure for Audio Note™ AN-K, AN-J & AN-E

Speaker Models

Picture 1

It is an undeniable fact that the best sounding material for loudspeaker suspension is compressed

foam, it is evenly compliant across a wide range of movement and affect the sound of the driver far

less than rubber and other less perishable materials, so it is an unavoidable part of a quality

loudspeaker, it only down side is that, depending on environment and climate, it will perish and start

hardening after 8 – 12 years. In the tropics it may lst as little as 6 years, in a temperate climate

probably closer to 15 years, however do not dispair, if your speakers’ foam has developed into dust

help is at hand, and it is neither expensive nor terribly difficult to replace the foam and revitalise the

sound of your speakers’ to as new condition, here is how!

Picture 1 above & picture 2, 3, 4 and 5 below,

The pictures in the sequel shows a basic procedure for how to replace the perished foam surround

on any of Audio Note’s AN-K, AN-J or AN-E loudspeakers and applies broadly also to the Snell Type K,

Type J and Type E models and probably most other speakers where the foam has perished as long as

the replacement foam surround is the correct type and size, the pictures shows a driver that has

been removed from its cabinet, this is not necessary in many cases and it is actually easier to change

the surround with the driver in situ in the cabinet.

Audio Note™ is happy to supply anyone with a foam surround for the purpose of replacing perished

foam surrounds on older speaker models, we do recommend that unless you are confident that you

can perform this task without problem you seek support before damaging the woofer, which will

require a complete replacement of the driver itself.