Audio Note AN-E LX Specs User Manual
Page 4

The object of the setting up exercise is to find a position where the speakers
pressurize the room in a similar way to that of natural instruments, this will restore a
much overlooked aspect of music reproduction: the actual pressure generated by
instruments, which is one of the main differences between “live” and “reproduced”.
Four main options, (presented from most to least desirable, all else being equal),
1.) Starting with rooms where corner position is available:
Move the speaker to be as close to the side wall as possible, to the point of almost
touching the wall, with the speaker 5 – 10 centimeter (2-4 inches) from the rear
wall, toe the speakers in to aim 1-2 meters (3-6 feet) in front of the listener, now
play a record or CD with some bass content to see how the low frequencies come
across, then adjust the speaker angle to get a good and even energy spread
between the speakers.
2.) Then to rooms with only two real walls available, as a rule always fire down the
long length of the room wherever possible, otherwise also follow the clues below,
Place the speaker 5 – 10 centimeters (2-4 inches) from the rear wall, then toe them
in to aim almost directly at the listener, especially in large rooms this should be
tried, even in corner position, give them a listen, then move the speakers as far
apart from each other as the room allows, then play with the distance between the
speakers and the angle, to create the best possible balance (compromise) between
the bass response and the energy distribution between the speakers, (remember the
angle of the speaker to the wall can be anything from a few degrees to 45 degrees
or sometimes even more, depending on the distance between the speakers and the
distance to the listening position. Lastly try moving the speakers forward 5
centimeters (2 inches) to see how the bass behaves. Adjust the distance to the rear
wall to get the bass and deep and even as possible.
3.) Now to really difficult rooms, such as rooms where little or no wall space is
available or very long and narrow rooms for example,
Position the speaker facing each other, believe it or not the AN-E’s dispersion is so
good that this position in some rare instances work better than any alternatives, in a
narrow long room, the speakers can be positioned using the side walls the way the
rear walls are used in 2.) above, but with the speakers at a very steep angle (i.e.,
sharply toed in), seen from the listening position, then essentially follow the
instructions in 2.) above.