Ameri-King AK-451-ELT User Manual
Page 58

Detail Operation Check:
Monitor 121.5 MHz using the Aircraft Communication Receiver or a
Portable Hand Held Receiver. Important: The Squelch must be turned
all the way UP (Max) to hear he sweep tone on most receivers.
Place the Main Switch on the front of the ELT Main Unit in the “ON”
position and verify that the Audio Sweep Tone can be heard on the COM
Radio. Verify that both the Green ON lights located on the ELT Main Unit
and the ELT Remote Unit are flashing. Verify the buzzer is heard…at a flash
rate and a beeping sound of 1 second ON, 4 seconds OFF.
Place the Main Switch in the “OFF” position. Verify that the Audio Sweep
Tone is ceased and the two Green ON lights are extinguished.
Place the Main Switch on the ELT Main Unit in the “ARM” position.
Wait for 25 seconds.
While seated at the Pilots normal operating position, press the “ON” button
on the Remote Switch Unit. Verify that the Green ON lights is flashing, and
a beeping sound at a rate of 1 second ON, 4 seconds OFF and is readily
visible from the Pilots operating position. Verify that the Audio ELT Sweep
Tone can be heard on the Com Receiver.
Push the “RESET” button on the Remote Unit. Verify that the Audio ELT
Sweep Tone is ceased. Verify the two Green “ON” lights are extinguished
and the buzzer sound is silent.
Note: Always perform the tests within the first 5 minutes of the hour. Notify any
nearby control tower of your intensions, in accordance with AC 43.13-2B, Section
12-22, Note 3. If outside of the US, always follow all local or national regulations for
testing of ELT's.
Do not allow test duration to exceed 5-10 seconds. Any time the ELT is activated
it is transmitting a 121.5 MHz distress signal. If the unit operates for
approximately 50 seconds, a "live" 406 MHz satellite distress signal is
transmitted and is considered valid by COSPAS-SARSAT satellite system.
ELT Self Test:
Place the main switch position from "OFF" to "ARM." The buzzer sounds, and the 2
ELT Green “ON” lights shall illuminate for 4 seconds, then extinguish. After 25
seconds, a 406 MHz test signal is transmitted. However it is specially coded as a
"self-test" signal that is ignored by the COSPAS-SARSAT satellites.
Verify that both the ELT Green “ON” lights (located on the ELT Main Unit and the
ELT Remote Unit) must remain extinguished and no buzzer sound after 25 seconds.
Verify Audio ELT Sweep Tone is silent on the Com Receiver.