ALM ALM002 User Manual
Page 5
position of the corresponding rotary switch. If the CV source represents musical tone
and the output is connected to the 1v/octave input of a VCO the switch will function as
an octave switcher similar to that found on many popular analog synths.
With the CV source connected to the top input and the bottom input left unpatched
the input signal is normalized to the bottom section allowing the single input to be
modified independently across both section of the Chalkboard.
The range of the octave switcher can be extended by patching a top output to the
lower input. By then using both switches the voltage addition and source range is -4V
to +4V.
All outputs and ‘thru’ are buffered so the module can also function as a ‘buffered
mult’ with the voltage selector(s) at zero. This will buffer any control input signals
across up to 6 outputs.
ALM-002 - ‘Beasts’s Chalkboard’