Go-Ped ESR750H PPV User Manual
Installing the brush card in your esr motor

Installing the brush card in your ESR motor.
For "McMillan" motor with silver outer housing.
First, you must remove the motor. Start this process by removing the rear axle, rear
wheel, fender, front sprocket, chain and disconnecting the power leads.
Then remove the (2) mount bolts that attaches the motor to the frame. One of these
bolts passes through chain adjuster. (Take note of their location for reassembly)
With the motor removed from the ESR. Remove the (2) nuts that hold the aluminum
cap on the power output/sprocket side of the motor (opposite the finned side). Take
note of the position of that circular cap in relation to the other finned side (it can easily
be installed upside down). Be careful not to loose the (2) small nuts or locking
Pull the outer magnetic shell off the motor to expose the inner Armature. Remove the
Armature by pulling the outer housing of the motor straight out. A wavy looking
washer sits in the recessed bearing location at the finned side of the motor so please
note its location and be sure to put it back in place before reassembly. (This wavy
washer will sometimes stick to the armature and may not be noticed and lost before
With the armature removed, you can now clean up any plastic or debris found on it.
With a Scotch bright pad, polish the brass contact points for where the brushes make
Now, remove the (2) nuts on the power terminals on the finned side of the motor to
remove the old brush card. Take note of the location for the (2) plastic bushings
behind the nuts for reassembly.
For reassembly, make sure that the brushes on the brush card are held in place with
the (2) paperclips and set the card in place. Install using the (2) plastic bushings and
nuts removed from the old card. After carefully tightening the brush card nuts, remove
the paper clip holders to check for full freedom of spring activated copper contact
brushes. Only after the brushes are found to freely slide without binding, then reinstall
the paper clip holders to accommodate the following final assembly steps
Now, place the wavy washer in the recess and then install the Armature. With the
Armature in place, you can now remove the (2) paper clips. Again, check to make
sure wires that attach to the brushes on the brush card are not going to hang up and
prevent the brushes from moving freely this is very important.
Next, with alignment notch/detents aligned, carefully slide the outer shell of the motor
back on. Be careful to hold the armature in place as the strong magnets in the outer
housing have a tendency to pull the armature up out of position. If that happens, you
will have to start over by putting the paperclips back in place and reinstalling the wavy
washer and armature again as explained in the previous step.
Now reinstall the circular cap, making sure it is in the proper configuration so the
motor cannot be installed upside down and tighten the nuts before installing back on
the frame.
Once complete make sure to brake in the new brush cards by driving only in “Econo”
mode until the next complete recharge.