Erica Synths Midi to Clock module User Manual

Midi to clock

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Here you plug a midi cable from the midi

output of your sequencer or drum machine

This is main clock output that follows BPM

of the midi clock

Divided clock output where you get midi

clock divided for 2, 4 or 8

In CONT position module receives midi clock

continuously until it is present. In CTRL

position analogue clock on the output

starts and stops in line with midi start

and stop messages received or when you

push start button on the sequencer

Midi activity LED – blinks, when

module receives midi messages

LED gives visual indication of

the clock rate

LED gives visual indication of

the divided clock rate

Select desired division

of the midi clock

THANK YOU FOR ORDERING ERICA SYNTHS MIDI TO CLOCK MODULE! If you are true analogue enthusiast, you most probably have couple

of analogue sequencers that need to be synced to your drum machines and other midi controllers, therefore Erica synths has developed a simple

and cost-effective MIDI TO CLOCK module with few interesting features. Besides direct clock output that follows BPM of the midi sequencer or

drum machine, it has second clock output with selectable clock division by 2, 4 and 8.