Doepfer d3m Midi Organ Keyboard User Manual
Page 10

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User's Guide V1.2
Example: Number = 5, Bank = 3
The resulting programm number is 5 – 1 + 12 x (3 –1) = 4 + 24 = 28.
The last available program change number is 119 (number #12 in bank #10). The program
change numbers 120...127 are not available. In practice the Midi program number generated
by the number and bank buttons is of minor importance as one will remind the number and
bank buttons used for a certain sound but not the program change number that is assigned
to this sound.
EVB3 Mode
This mode is planned for the combination of d3m with the organ emulation EVB3 of
Emagic. This software is e.g. included with Emagic's Logic.
Remark: The EVB3 has to be set to the RK mode. For details please refer to the EVB3
user's manual.
In this mode the number buttons transmit the Midi note messages 24 – 35. They correspond
to the inverse colored lowest octave of the original B3 and work like an additional lower
octave of the d3m manual. If a normal Midi sound generator is connected to the Midi output
of d3m in this mode the number buttons generate normal tones and no program change is
activated. Consequently this mode makes sense only in combination with the EVB3 as only
this software uses the Midi note numbers 24 – 35 to change the program.
The bank buttons are used in the EVB3 mode for certain functions that cannot be stored in
the EVB3 presets. These functions are controlled "live", i.e. while playing on the keyboard.
The following table shows the function of the bank buttons in the EVB3 mode :
Vibrato UpperManual On/Off
toggle function
Vibrato LowerManual On/Off
toggle function
Vibrato C1
Vibrato C2
Vibrato C3
radio buttons
Percussion On/Off
toggle function
Percussion 2
toggle function
Leslie Slow (Chorale)
Leslie Off (Brake)
Leslie Fast (Tremolo)
radio buttons
Remote Mode
This mode is planned for the combination of d3m with special software (e.g. Ableton Live). In
combination with normal Midi sound generators this mode does not make sense.
In the Remote mode the number buttons transmit the Midi note messages 0-11 and the bank
buttons the Midi note messages 14-23. In this mode the LEDs are not managed by the the
d3m but have to be controlled by the external software via incoming Midi note messages (0-
11 for the LEDs assigned to the number buttons and 14-23 for the LEDs assigned to the the
bank buttons). All other functions (e.g. foot switch, foot controller) are the same as for the B4
Consequently this mode requires an external software that allows to assign certain functions
to the Midi note messages 0-11 and 14-23 and to control the LEDs of the d3m via Midi note
messages in a suitable way. For example Abletons's Live can be used for this purpose.