Fruit dehydration tips, Lemon, pineapple or orange juice, Ascorbic acid – CuiZen Stainless Steel Dehyadrator CFD-2040CS User Manual

Page 10: Sodium bisulfite

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Fruit Dehydration Tips

Dried fruit is a superb food treat. Try it plain as fruit leather, or in ice cream cobblers and

pies. It’s hard to imagine a better tasting more nutritious snack than dried fruit. Dried fruit is

naturally sweet, has no preservatives, and is inexpensive.

Your food dehydrator makes drying fruit easy. With all fruits it is best to wash them before

beginning. After that, most fruits just need halving, coring or pitting and slicing before

placing them in the dehydrator.

You do not have to pre-treat fruits to get good results, but some fruits, such as apples,

pears, peaches, apricots and bananas tend to darken somewhat with drying or storage

beyond six to seven months. Although still edible when darkened, they tend to not appear

as tempting to the palate. If you don’t mind the change in color of your dried fruit, there is

no need to pre-treat. Fruits like bananas turn brown without pre-treatment, but at the same

time they become very sweet and bursting with pure banana flavour by simply slicing and

placing directly into the dehydrator. For drying times of fruits, refer to the Fruit Preparation


To avoid fruits from darkening, fruit pieces can be dipped in solutions of lemon pineapple,

or orange juice, or ascorbic acid prior to dehydration Dip the fruit in the solution for two

minutes. Drain on paper towels and place in drying trays.

Lemon, Pineapple or Orange Juice

Fresh or bottled lemon, pineapple or orange juices are the best because of their natural

sweetness. Pineapple and orange juice can be used full strength or diluted to taste. If you

use lemon juice, it is best to dilute it with 1 part juice to 8 parts water and soak the fruit

pieces for two minutes. Be aware that the taste of these juices can overpower the taste of

the fruit being dried and may not always prevent discoloration of food. Experiment with

the dilution and soaking times to suit your taste.

Ascorbic Acid

Crystalline ascorbic acid or products with ascorbic acid made for preserving fruits for

canning may be obtained from drug stores or from stores selling canning supplies. Most

grocery stores sell it with their canning supplies as well. Mix 1 tablespoon in four cups of

water and soak the fruit for about two minutes. Like lemon juice, the taste can be quite

overpowering so experiment with concentrations and soaking times.

Sodium Bisulfite

Sodium Bisulfite can be purchased at your local pharmacy. If you or anyone who will be

eating the food has any known chemical allergies, you should check with your physician

before using this chemical. Be certain to ask for food grade (safe) product only. Mix 1

teaspoon of Sodium Bisulfite in 1 quart of water. Dip the sliced fruit in the solution for a few

minutes. Remove, drain and place on the dehydrator tray.