Cfd-2006_userguide_english_final 20, Setting up your food dehydrator, Stacking the trays – CuiZen Dehydrator CFD-20 User Manual

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Setting Up Your Food Dehydrator

Before operating your Dehydrator for the first time please be sure to completely read through

and understand the instructions in this booklet. Wash and dry the trays and any other parts

which will contact the food.

Stacking the trays

Before loading the trays with food it is a good idea to make sure that they are all aligned

right-side up by stacking them up in one place near the preparation area. The narrow side of

the tray always is the top. Trays have alignment arrows cast into the handle. The arrows (as

seen below) should all be visible on the top of the tray handles. Improperly stacked trays will

negatively affect the drying process.

Once the trays are all right-side up you can stack them in two different ways. Depending on

their orientation to each other, they can be set for thick or thin foods To change the stacking

height simply rotate a tray 180 degrees to change whether it is tall or short stacked. Refer to

the two photos below to identify the difference between these two heights.

Any combination of stacking can be used to accommodate the foods being dried. An

example would be some short tray stacking for banana chips and some tall stacking for large

strawberry halves. When properly stacked, trays will be locked into each other whether tall

stacked or short stacked and in any combination thereof.

Set trays in place

so that all the arrows

on the tray handles

are visible on the

top of the handles.

To change the stacking height simply rotate a tray

180 degrees to change whether it is tall or short stacked.

Trays Stacked

for Thick Foods

Trays Stacked

for Thin Foods