Chapter 5: lubrication, Oil type and quantity – Cub Cadet MTD P90 Series User Manual
Page 55

Oil type and quantity
The recommended oil for MTD engines is an SAE 10W-30 oil with an SM API rating or better. The oil capacity for
all of the P90 series engines is 57 fl.oz (1.7 liters).
If the oil is noticeably thin, or smells of gasoline, carburetor repair may be needed before the engine can
be run safely.
Check the oil level frequently and change the oil more frequently in severe operating conditions such as
exceptionally deep snow falls.
Synthetic oil is a suitable alternative, but it does not extend service intervals.
NOTE: MTD recommends the use of petroleum oil during the break in period to ensure the piston rings cor-
rectly break in.
Synthetic vs. Petroleum based oil: To simply look at synthetic oil and to compare it with Petroleum based oil
there is very little difference. However, when you look at the two through a microscope it is easy to see the difference.
Synthetic is made up of smaller molecules. This allows the oil to get into areas that petroleum based oil cannot.
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