Audio Damage Phosphor User Manual

Page 15

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The sliders are bidirectional. If left at their center position, no signals from the LFOs reach the corresponding
parameter in the oscillators and filters. In general, moving a slider to the right of center causes the LFO to
increase the parameter’s value and moving it to the left of center causes the LFO to decrease the parameter’s
value. Simply click and drag on a slider to change its value. If you hold down the


key on your keyboard

and click the slider, the slider will return to its center position.

More specifically, the sliders under the headings “LFO to Primary Osc” and “LFO to Secondary Osc” have the
following functions:

PITCH – moving the PITCH slider to the right causes the LFO to raise
the pitch of the oscillator, moving it to the left causes it to lower the

pitch. Use the PITCH slider to introduce subtle vibrato and trill effects,
or not-so-subtle pitch slides and jumps.

PAN – moving the PAN slider left or right of center causes the LFO to
move the output of the oscillator in the corresponding direction in the
stereo field. Note that the LFO’s influence is added to the position set

by the PAN slider in the Oscillator panes. Hence if for instance the
Oscillator PAN slider is set to the far left, and you move the PAN
modulation slider to the left, you won’t hear any change in the
oscillator’s position because the LFO can’t push it any further to the

AMP – moving the AMP slider to the right of center causes the LFO to make the Oscillator louder, moving it to
the left causes the LFO to make the Oscillator quieter. The effect of the LFO is added to the loudness of the

oscillator as set by the LEVEL slider in the Oscillator pane.

NOISE - moving the NOISE slider to the right of center causes the LFO to make the noise generator louder,
moving it to the left causes the LFO to make the Oscillator noise generator. The effect of the LFO is added to

the loudness of the noise generator as set by the NOISE slider in the Oscillator pane.

The sliders under the heading “LFO to Filter” connect the LFOs to the
filters following the delay lines. The LFOs can modulate (change) the
frequencies of the filters. Moving these sliders to the left of center causes
the LFOs to decrease the filter frequencies (as if you were dragging the

dot in the filter’s control to the left), and moving the sliders to the right causes the LFOs to increase the filter