Audio Damage BigSeq2 User Manual
Page 18

The Frequency Shifter block has four knobs. The first knob, SHIFT, controls how much the signal’s frequency is
shifted. This knob has a range of -800Hz to +800Hz. A shift amount of zero produces no effect. Positive
amounts shift the signal upwards in frequency, negative amounts shift
it downwards.
The second knob, FINE, also controls the shift interval, but has a much
smaller range of -10Hz to +10Hz. The value of this knob is added to
the value of the SHIFT knob to determine the how much the signal is
shifted. For example, if the SHIFT knob is set to -56Hz and the FINE
knob is set to 5Hz, the signal will be shifted down by 51Hz. To create
subtle phasing and detuning effects, leave the SHIFT knob at zero and
vary the FINE knob.
The feedback knob, abbreviated FDBK, sends some of the pitch-shifted
signal back into the pitch shifter. This usually intensifies the pitch-
shifting effect.
The MIX knob controls the relative loudness of the original signal and
the pitch-shifted signal. If the knob is rotated fully anti-clockwise (so
that the value is 0%) you’ll hear only the original signal and none of
the pitch-shifted signal. If you rotate the knob fully clockwise, you’ll
hear only the pitch-shifted signal. At the center, 50% position, you’ll
hear equal amounts of the original and shifted signals.