Ashdown 12 Band Graphic DI User Manual
Bass graphic/d.i. pedal, Operating instructions, Useful observations

Shape Footswitch
This activates the Shape EQ facility, indicated by the illumination of the left hand blue
Graphic Footswitch
This activates the Graphic EQ facility, indicated by the illumination of the right hand
blue LED.
Battery Compartment
This contains the single 9v battery that powers the effects pedal. Replace this when the
VU meter illumination starts to become dull.
The GRAPHIC EQUALISER section operates by boosting or cutting the level of signal at
various frequency points throughout the frequency range. With the sliders set on 0dB (in
their centre ‘click’ position) no alteration is made to the signal. Moving any one of the
sliders up will increase or ‘boost’ the signal at the frequency marked below the slider.
Moving the slider down, will decrease or ‘attenuate’ the signal at that frequency.
A carefully designed GRAPHIC EQUALISER is a very flexible way of varying the sound
of a bass guitar and if properly used will provide an extremely powerful method of tone
shaping for your instrument.
Because of the flexibility and massive BOOST and CUT potential of this particular
GRAPHIC it is important to know how to get the best from it.
Firstly a few things not to do and the reasons why:
Do not boost or cut all frequency bands as this will have the same effect as increasing
or decreasing the overall volume level without affecting the tonal characteristic of the
Do not use excessive bottom (30 to 40Hz) boost on the graphic unless your speakers
can handle it. Very few speaker systems are capable of handling frequencies as low as
30 and 40Hz with any degree of efficiency.
N.B. Boosting at 30Hz for instance will not add to the perceived amount of bottom end
in the sound, it will only make your speakers flap to no useful effect. In fact boosting
at 100Hz or 180Hz will have the apparent effect of adding far more bottom end than
boosting at 30, 40 or even 60Hz.
Do not use excessive top (10 to 15kHz) boost, this will add mostly hiss to the sound as
there is very little signal output at this frequency from a bass.
The 30Hz slider has been provided to allow precise tailoring at very low frequencies.
This slider should be used to CUT (not Boost) the 30Hz to a level that allows the speaker
system to work at its maximum efficiency.
The fundamental frequency range of a regular, four string bass guitar is from 41.2Hz (
bottom E string ) to around 392Hz ( two octaves up on the G string ) – not a very wide
range. Obviously a lot of harmonics are produced when playing and these can extend
up to 5kHz and more.
The attack portion of the note also produces other high frequencies when the string is
first struck. This attack can be emphasised by boosting the top end. However because of
the fairly small range of frequencies from a bass, by top end we mean between 2.6kHz
and 5kHz. You will find that by boosting at 5kHz the attack will be emphasised whereas
by boosting at 1.3 and 2.6kHz you will bring out the harmonics in the note.
Above this frequency range you will find it is better not to boost the signal as this will
mainly emphasise any hiss present. This hiss will not be masked by the bass signal when
playing due to the very small amount of bass guitar frequency content at 10 to 15kHz.
Use the 30Hz and 40Hz sliders sparingly unless you have a massive stack of speakers
available, and the power amplifiers to drive them. You will find that rolling off the
bottom end by using these two sliders will allow you to play at a far greater volume level
without the speakers complaining.
Try to keep the graphic sliders balanced around 0dB and in a smooth flowing curve
from one slider to the next, and remember that after adjusting the graphic you may need
to re-set the INPUT GAIN.
Graphic Equalisation section
Graphic Equalisation
+/- 15dB @ 12 centre Frequencies
Shape section
+8db @ 50Hz & 4khz, -8db @ 400hz,
Filter slope 6db per octave
Impedance 470k Ohms
Signal level –10dBv to 0dBv
Jack socket
Impedance 1k Ohms
Signal level - same as input level
D.I. XLR socket
Balanced 600 Ohms
Signal level – adjustable -20 to -10dBv
Internal 9v battery
External supply 9v Stabilised DC adaptor. Centre pin negative.
The Bass Graphic EQ/D.I. Effects pedal is a 12 band graphic equalisation pedal
designed specifically for BASS use that includes a Pre-Shape facility as well as a D.I. XLR
output for direct injecting your bass signal into a balanced input on a PA mixing desk.
This provides the ultimate in tone shaping for a bass instrument with 12 bands of plus
and minus 15dB of control at your fingertips plus independent level controls for Graphic
and Shape enabling the perfect balance to be achieved when switching in either facility.
Add a D.I. Level control and there you have the perfect device for any bass player on
the move.
Input Jack Socket
The single Input jack socket is suitable for either passive or active bass guitars. Inserting
a jack socket into this will activate the power to the unit, indicated by the illuminated VU
Output D.I. Socket
Balanced XLR output socket for sending the signal to PA systems etc.
DC Connector
This is for the use of an external 9v, stabilised power adaptor in place of the internal 9v
battery. Inserting a DC connector into this socket disconnects the internal battery.
Output Jack Socket
With both Shape and Graphic in bypass mode this jack socket provides a feed of
exactly the same level of unmodified bass signal that is fed into the Input socket. With
either the Shape or Graphic switched in circuit (as indicated by the illumination of either
LED) the signal fed to this is set using the Shape and Graphic Level controls.
Input control & VU Meter
The Input control is used to set the level of signal into the Effects section of the unit.
Adjust the Input level control to get a good indication of at least 0 VU on the VU meter
whilst playing your instrument. This control is necessary to cope with the widely varying
level of signals from Passive and Active bass instruments.
This adjusts the amount of Pre-Shaped signal sent to the output when this equalisation
facility is switched in using the Shape footswitch. Activation is indicated by the left hand
blue LED. This Shape facility imposes a pre-set equalisation curve onto the bass signal
that boosts both the high and low frequencies and also adds attenuation to the lower
mid frequencies. This can be used by itself or in conjunction with the Graphic facility.
Graphic Level
This adjusts the amount of Graphic EQ’d signal sent to the output when this equalisation
facility is switched in using the Graphic footswitch. Activation is indicated by the right
hand blue LED. The Graphic facility imposes an equalisation curve onto the bass signal
that is adjusted using the 12 sliders within the graphic control section. This can be used
by itself or in conjunction with the Shape facility. For more details see – The GRAPHIC
EQUALISER section below.
D.I. Level
This adjusts the level of signal that is sent to the D.I. XLR output socket on the rear panel.
This signal is post EQ meaning that whatever equalisation you switch in with the Shape
and Graphic footswitches will also be sent to the D.I. socket.
The output signal from this XLR socket is set to a level and impedance suitable for
connecting directly into the Microphone input of a mixing desk for either Direct
Injection into the PA system or for recording. This must ONLY be used into a Balanced
Microphone input; it is not intended for any other type of connection.
Bass Graphic/D.i. peDal
OperaTiNG iNsTrUcTiONs
Fig. 1. Rear Pannel.