Campbell Hausfeld AT122601 User Manual

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Operating .Instructions

limited warranty

1 . . . DURaTIon: From .the .date .of .purchase .by .the .original .purchaser .as .follows: .for .five .(5) .years, .with .exceptions .noted .below .
2 . . . who GIveS ThIS waRRanTy (waRRanToR): Maxus, .100 .Production .Drive, .Harrison, .Ohio, .45030, .Telephone: .(888) .

Maxus4U .– .www .maxustools .com

3 . . . who ReCeIveS ThIS waRRanTy (pURChaSeR): .The .original .purchaser .(other .than .for .purposes .of .resale) .of .the .Maxus .

product . . .

4 . . . whaT pRoDUCTS aRe CoveReD By ThIS waRRanTy: Any .Maxus .abrasive .blaster .supplied .or .manufactured .by .

Warrantor . . .

5 . . . whaT IS CoveReD UnDeR ThIS waRRanTy: Defects .due .to .material .and .workmanship .with .the .exceptions .noted .

below . . .

6 . . whaT IS noT CoveReD UnDeR ThIS waRRanTy:

A . .Implied .warranties, .including .those .of .merchantability .and .FITNESS .FOR .A .PARTICULAR .PURPOSE .ARE .LIMITED .FROM .

THE .DATE .OF .ORIGINAL .PURCHASE .AS .STATED .IN .THE .DURATION . .If .this .product .is .used .for .rental .purposes, .the .warranty .
will .apply .for .ninety .(90) .days .from .the .date .of .purchase . .Some .States .do .not .allow .limitations .on .how .long .an .implied .
warranty .lasts, .so .the .above .limitations .may .not .apply .to .you .


FAILURE, .OR .MALFUNCTION .OF .THE .PRODUCT . .Some .States .do .not .allow .the .exclusion .or .limitations .of .incidental .or .
consequential .damages, .so .the .above .limitation .or .exclusion .may .not .apply .to .you .

C . .Any .failure .that .results .from .an .accident, .purchaser’s .abuse, .neglect .or .failure .to .operate .products .in .accordance .with .

instructions .provided .in .the .owner’s .manual(s) .supplied .with .product .

D . .Pre-delivery .service, .i .e . .assembly, .filtration, .and .adjustment .
E . .Normal .adjustments .or .expendable .items .which .are .explained .in .the .owner’s .manual(s) .provided .with .the .product .

including .but .not .limited .to .parts .subject .to .normal .wear .such .as .nozzles, .air .jets, .seal .blocks, .valves, .o-rings, .hose .
connections, .hoses .and .blast .gun .

F . . Items .or .service .that .require .periodic .replacement .to .maintain .the .product, .i .e . .filters, .gaskets, .valves, .etc .
G . .Additional .items .not .covered .under .this .warranty:

a . . Any .component .damaged .in .shipment .or .any .failure .caused .by .installing .or .operating .unit .under .conditions .not .in .

accordance .with .installation .and .operation .guidelines .

b . . Failure .caused .by .rain, .excessive .humidity .or .corrosive .environments . .
c . . Cosmetic .defects .that .do .not .interfere .with .blaster .functionality .
d . . Rusted .tanks, .including .but .not .limited .to .rust .due .to .improper .cleaning/storage .
e . . Other .items .not .listed .but .considered .general .wear .parts .

7 . . ReSponSIBIlITIeS oF waRRanToR UnDeR ThIS waRRanTy: Repair .or .replace, .at .Warrantor’s .option, .products .or .

components .which .are .defective, .have .malfunctioned .and/or .failed .to .conform .within .duration .of .the .warranty .period . .

8 . . ReSponSIBIlITIeS oF pURChaSeR UnDeR ThIS waRRanTy:

A . .Provide .dated .proof .of .purchase .and .maintenance .records .
B . .Call .Maxus .(888-629-8748) .to .obtain .your .warranty .service .options . .Freight .costs .must .be .borne .by .the .purchaser .
C . .Use .reasonable .care .in .the .operation .and .maintenance .of .the .products .as .described .in .the .owner’s .manual(s) . .

9 . . when waRRanToR wIll peRFoRM RepaIR oR ReplaCeMenT UnDeR ThIS waRRanTy: Repair .or .replacement .will .

be .scheduled .and .serviced .according .to .the .normal .work .flow .at .the .servicing .location, .and .depending .on .the .availability .
of .replacement .parts .

Limited .Warranty .applies .in .the .U .S ., .Canada .and .Mexico .only .and .gives .you .specific .legal .rights . .You .may .also .have .other .
rights .which .vary .from .State .to .State .or .country .to .country .