Leica Geosystems Leica DISTO A6 - DISTO transfer manuals Pocket PC User Manual

Leica Geosystems Equipment

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Installation And User Manual For DISTO™ transfer ppc

Installation of the Programs for your Leica DISTO™

1. Connect the Pocket PC with the PC (ActiveSync).
2. Place the product CD in the CD/DVD drive – the installation program starts automatically.
3. Select

DISTO_transfer_ppc for Windows Pocket PC.

4. Please follow the instructions on the screen.

First-time Setup of Leica DISTO™

Switch on the Leica DISTO™ and press the Bluetooth key. The Bluetooth symbol on the display of the
DISTO™ starts to blink.
Call the Bluetooth-settings on the Pocket PC with


€ [Settings] € [Connections] € [Bluetooth].

Please take the correct procedure for the setup of the Bluetooth connection from the documentation
for the Pocket PC, as it is different for the diverse Pocket PCs and can therefore not be described

The first connection for each Leica DISTO™, which is to be used with this PocketPC, has to be made
only o n c e .

Use of DISTO™ transfer ppc

Switch on the Leica DISTO™ and press the Bluetooth key. The Bluetooth symbol on the display of the
DISTO™ starts to blink.

Start Leica DISTO™ transfer ppc via


€ [Programs] € [DISTO transfer ppc]

The program finds the Leica DISTO™ with most PocketPCs automatically. With some models the
correct COM-Port must once be adjusted manually. You often find the COM-Port during the first setup
of the Leica DISTO™, otherwise select all COM-ports, until the correct one is found (that can last
some time).

If the program finds the Leica DISTO™, the Leica DISTO™ will beep and the Bluetooth symbol won’t
blink any longer. With the Bluetooth key measurements can be sent into any Windows program. The
current measured value is automatically inserted at the current cursor position. Exactly in the same
way as if the value would have been entered manually.

Installation and user manual for DISTO transfer ppc

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