Lec R5026W User Manual
Page 11

Thermostat Setting
• Thermostat automatically regulates the inside temperature of the refrigerator
compartment and freezer compartment.By rotating the knob from position 1. to 5.,
colder temperatures can be obtained.
• « 0 » position shows thermostat is closed and no cooling is available.
• For short-term storage of food in the freezer compartment, you can set the knob
between minimum and medium position.(1-3)
• For long-term storage of food in the freezer compartment, you can set knop
medium position.(3-4)
• Note that • the ambiant temperature, temperature of the freshly stored food
and how often the door is opened, affects the temperature in the refrigerator
compartment. If required,change the temperature setting.
• When you first switch on the appliance, for starting a suitable cooling, the appliance
should work 24 hours continuously until it cools down to sufficient temperature.
• In this time do not open the door so often and place a lot of food inside the appliance.
• If the unit is switched off or unplugged, you must allow at least 5 minutes before
restarting or re-plugged the unit in order not to damage the compressor.
• FOR 127 It REGRIGERATORS (with 4 star
rating):The freezer of the
refrigerator can cool up to
18°C and more.
• FOR 127 It and 91It REGRIGERATORS(with 2 star rating)
:The freezer of
the refrigerator can cool up to
• FOR 134 It,100 It and 91 It LARDERS (Without star rating):
(coolers) have not any freezer compartment but can cool up to 4-6°C.