Dynon Avionics Internal Compass User Manual
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Press the GNDNRT button and hold the plane still for 10 seconds. After the 10
seconds of holding still, maneuver the plane smoothly thru 540 degrees of
heading change at a rate of 20 to 30 seconds per 90 degrees of change. At the end
of the maneuver, the airplane will be pointing magnetic South. If at any time, you
make a mistake, align the aircraft to point to magnetic North and repeat the
process starting with pushing the GNDNRT button. When the 540 degree
heading change maneuver has been completed, press the AIRRGT button.
5) Leave the PC connected to the EFIS with the MAGCAL program running and
proceed to take off for the in-flight part of the calibration. After reaching a safe
altitude, head the plane as close as possible to magnetic North. Press the
AIRRGT button, continue holding a steady heading (North) for 10 seconds, and
then make a 30 degree banked turn to the right for 540 degrees. The maneuver
ends with the aircraft pointing South. Fly the maneuver as smooth as possible
since this will give you better results. At the end of the maneuver, while still
pointing South, press the AIRLFT button.
6) Maneuver the aircraft to point to magnetic North again. Press the AIRLFT button
a second time, continue holding a steady heading (North) for 10 seconds, and then
make a 30 degree banked turn to the left for 540 degrees. The maneuver ends
with the aircraft pointing South. Fly the maneuver as smooth as possible since
this will give you better results. At the end of the maneuver, while still pointing
South, press the END button.
7) After pressing the END button, the PC will calculate the required magnetic
calibration values and upload them into the EFIS-D10. This will result in the
EFIS-D10 screen going dark (it may display LOADING on the screen) followed
by the EFIS-D10 resetting back to normal flight.
8) You can now exit the EFIS-D10 Magnetic Calibration program and shut down the
At this point the calibration is complete. We suggest you evaluate the performance of the
EFIS-D10 heading feature, preferably on a compass rose, and decide if the performance
is acceptable to you. If the resultant compass accuracy is not acceptable, you can either
repeat the calibration process attempting to fly the maneuvers more smoothly, or
purchase, install, and calibrate the Dynon Avionics EDC-D10 Electronic Digital