Single side band (ssb) reception – Sangean ATS-909X w (R1) User Manual
Page 32

SSB is very popular among ham and business radio users because
of its signal intelligibility superiority. Many amateurs who operate
SSB and transmit below 0 MHz generally use the lower side band
(LSB) while amateur and commercial stations transmitting above
10 MHz generally use the USB. Your ATS-909X is equipped to
receive all USB and LSB transmissions. To receive SSB stations:
) Turn the set on.
2) Extend the telescoping antenna full length and position upright
or use external antenna
3) Set the RF Gain Control to maximum
4) Select the SW band as described in “SELECTING AN SW BAND”
5) If frequency of SSB station sought is known enter the frequency
in accordance with earlier instructions.
6) You may also scan the band for SSB stations by slowly rotating
the Rotary Tuning Knob through the selected band, tuning for
the best intelligibility and watching for deflections on the Signal
Level Indicator in the display. SSB transmit with a “suppressed
carrier” meaning the Signal Level Indicator in the display will
fluctuate only when there is a voice transmission and not during
pauses in voice transmission.
7) As soon as you have located a SSB station (you will not be able
to understand the speech) switch to SSB reception by depressing
the Mode button. Continue pressing of the Mode button will
alternate between USB and LSB. Try LSB for frequencies below
10 MHz or USB for frequencies above 10 MHz.
8) After tuning for maximum intelligibility switch STEP switch to Slow
position and readjust Rotary Tuning Knob for maximum intelligibility.