Cybex 2.go, Baby carrier, Care – Cybex 2.GO User Manual

Page 16

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upper zipper

headrest buckles


connector belt

waist belt

male buckle

female buckle

elastic safety loop

shoulder straps

Infant leg safety loop
lower zipper

Note! Please wash the product separately before you use it the

first time. Do not tumble dry and do not expose to direct sunlight!

do not iron!

made in China

CYBex 2.Go – baby carrier

from approx. 3 months to 5 years

weight: 3,5 – 18 kg / 8 – 40 lbs


WARNING: YouR BalanCe maY Be adveRSelY aFFeCted BY YouR movement and that oF YouR


WARNING: take CaRe when BendinG oR leaninG FoRwaRd.

WARNING: thiS CaRRieR iS not SuitaBle FoR uSe duRinG SPoRtinG aCtivitieS.

WARNING: PleaSe aSSuRe that a SeCond PeRSon SeCuReS the BaBY when PuttinG on the


WARNING: PleaSe aSSuRe that the male PaRt oF the BuCkle iS alwaYS Fed thRouGh the

elaStiC SaFetY looP BeFoRe CloSinG the BuCkle. the male PaRt oF the BuCkle muSt Be

ComPletelY hooked into the elaStiC SaFetY looP.

WARNING: alwaYS uSe the leG SaFetY looPS FoR ChildRen FRom 3,5-7 kG to avoid the

danGeR oF Small ChildRen FallinG thRouGh the leG oPeninG.


• make sure you read and fully understand the instructions before using the BaBY CaRRieR.

• The BABY CARRIER always has to be adjusted to optimally fit the baby´s size.

• the BaBY CaRRieR is for adult use only. a damaged BaBY CaRRieR may not be used!

• always examine that all buckles, loops, straps, buttons and clips are securely fastened and in perfect

functional condition; if this is not the case, or in case of doubt, do not use the carrier.

• Always make sure that there is sufficient space around the head area so that proper ventilation is provided.

• Don´t dress your baby too warmly and see to it that a comfortable temperature is maintained.

• never unbuckle the waist belt while the baby is in the carrier.

Please pay special attention to the following aspects when using the CYBex 2.Go BaBY CaRRieR:

EN 13209-2:2005


baby carrier