Caution – Cooper Hand Tools MODEL 4 LED STYLE III L-852T User Manual

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Instruction Manual
Model 4 – Style III

Taxiway Omni-directional Light L-852T



General Description


Taxiway Omni-directional Light, L-852T

The Crouse-Hinds Taxiway Omni-directional Light is a Style 3, FAA L-852T per FAA AC 150/5345-46D.
It is designed for installation at the taxiway edge or any other location where visual guidance of moving
aircraft or ground vehicles is desirable. The fixture is designed to fit on a FAA L-868, steel, size B or FAA
L-867, steel, size B light bases per FAA AC 150/5345-42 (latest version), and have a total height above
grade/ground level of

 .250 inch. The fixture is omni-directional, projecting the beam of light 360° in the

horizontal direction. The light fixture consists of a 1-piece aluminum optical assembly. The aluminum
optical assembly is mounted to a light base with six bolts (3/8-16 UNC x 7/8 lg., stn. stl.) and lock washers
(3/8, stn. stl.). The aluminum housing has a die cast bottom cover that is attached using 4 screws. A o-ring
is used to provide a watertight seal between the inner cover and the optical housing. An LED module is
secured to the lens bracket, which is fastened to the optical housing. Electrical connections are made at one
feed-thru assembly in the inner cover. The feed-thru has an ITS verified L-823 plug for connecting to FAA
L-830/ L-831 Isolation Transformer. The outer lens is held into the aluminum housing with a bracket,
gaskets and 6 screws. All hardware is type 18-8 stainless steel except for the 6 screws holding the outer
lens bracket onto the aluminum housing, which are type 316 cold worked stainless steel. The complete light
unit is 11.94 inches in diameter, 5.13 inches deep, and weighs 10.5 lbs.



Never handle the light assembly by the leads as this can break the waterproof seal.



The Style 3 TOL light units are shipped complete and are ready for installation as received. Installation of a
light unit is to be done with primary POWER OFF and SECURED. At each light location, install a steel,
Size B, 12 inch deep minimum, L-868 Light Base per FAA AC 150/5340-4 (latest revision). For TOL
fixtures, the fixture orientation is not a factor; however, it is recommended that all fixtures be installed in
the same way, “Crouse-Hinds” label on the aluminum housing towards the center of the taxiway. Place the
properly sized isolation transformer in the light base and make necessary primary power connections using
L-823 connectors. The TOL light unit requires a minimum 10/15W watt, 6.6A secondary transformer for
the standard fixture and a minimum 20/25 watt, 6.6A secondary transformer for the heater option fixture.
Verify that the mounting flange on the light base is clean and the o-ring (optional on deep cans) is coated
with Dow Corning FS 1292 grease and is in place on the light base. Connect the plug from the light unit to
the secondary of the previously installed isolation transformer. Installation tool, Crouse-Hinds P/N 19999,
will ease in the installation and removal of the light unit. The threaded eyebolts on the lifting tool screw
into threaded holes in the light fixture. Lower the light unit straight down onto the base. The light fixture is
subject to optical misalignment or mechanical damage if not seated properly. Secure the light fixture to the
base with six 3/8-16 UNC x 7/8 lg., stn. stl. bolts and lock-washers and tighten to 225 -0 +10 in-lbs. (18 ft-
lbs.). It is recommended that Loctite 242 be used on the mounting bolts to prevent loosening due to
vibration. Loctite is required for fixtures subjected to repeated aircraft impacts and roll-overs.

