Setup tips, Homepage live view, Camera setti ngs confi gurati on – Y-cam Bullet HD 1080 (1st Gen) User Manual

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Setup Tips

If no camera details are displayed in Y-cam Setup, wait a few minutes, and then try clicking “Refresh” to search your

network again. If it sti ll fails to fi nd your camera, ensure the camera is plugged into your ROUTER and not to your

computer directly, and that it is powered on. Then click “Refresh”.

In your web browsers address bar, there will be an IP address (something similar to htt p:// This is the

internal IP address of your camera. You can access your camera at anyti me at this web address when the computer you

are using is connected to your local network or wireless wifi system.

Depending on your router setup, as well as other devices on the network, the internal IP address of your camera may

change from ti me to ti me. If you ever need to re-check your internal IP address, re-run the Y-cam Setup program.

If you are trying to view the Y-cam for the fi rst ti me, your browser may prompt you to install or allow an “Acti veX Control”

or to allow or install a QuickTime or Flash control. Click on the bar that appears at the top of the browser or the pop-up

window and click “Install” or “Allow” and follow the on-screen instructi ons. You normally only need to install or allow this

control once.

Homepage Live View

From your cameras Homepage, click on “Live View”.

See Fig.3

The default username and password for all Y-cam cameras is :

Username : admin

Password : 1234

You should now be viewing your camera live.

Camera Setti ngs Confi gurati on

Click on the word “SMART SETUP” in the top right corner to start the camera setup process. The wizard window will pop-up.

Follow the basic on-screen instructi ons.

If you wish to setup your camera to connect to your wireless / WiFi network, you will need to know the wireless access

password (if any) that you use to access your WiFi.

Most default setti ngs the camera off ers during this wizard will normally be fi ne for the standard user and should help you get

your camera set-up to a basic level. Once this is completed, close the Wizard and your web browser, and use Y-cam Setup

soft ware again to search and fi nd your camera on your network. Now your camera will be fully operati onal on your local

network. Now your camera is fully operati onal on your local network, and ready to be used.

For more advanced setti ngs of your camera, you are urged to read the User Manual for your model, located on the Setup

CD-Rom, or downloadable from