Woo Audio WA7 Fireflies User Manual

Page 11

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 Inc. All rights reserved. 

Rev 1.2. April, 2013 



Using the Asynchronous USB 2.0 port:

The WA7 Fireflies offers a USB 2.0 port ⑪, refer to the above diagram, which is compatible with

Windows or Mac OS computer.

Installing the USB driver

*These steps only apply for Windows 7.

1. Plug in the USB 2.0 cable to the WA7 Fireflies and your computer.
2. Install the WA7 Fireflies Driver from the downloaded file from

3. Unzip the downloaded file. Locate setup.exe file and run it.

4. Follow on-screen instruction to complete the installation. Windows restart may be


5. Set USB Speakers as your default audio output.

Go to My Computer -> Control Panel -> Hardware and Sounds -> Sounds

-> Click USB Speakers -> Click Set Default

6. Now you're ready to enjoy music from your computer.

Configuring media player

TIPS: It is strongly recommended to use a media player that supports ASIO output
mode for the highest playback quality.

Changing Output mode

Example is given for JRiver Media Center.

In JRiver Media Center, disable “Use large hardware buffers” option by
unchecking the box. Buffering error will occur if this option is enable.

Tools -> Options -> Audio Output -> Output mode -> select ASIO

Tools -> Options -> Audio Output -> Output mode settings -> uncheck the box