Classe Audio CAP-2100 User Manual
Page 16

Classé has gone to extraordinary eff ort to ensure that the single-ended
(RCA) outputs of your integrated amplifi er are as good as possible.
If you need to use these preamplifi er-level outputs, connect these single-
ended outputs to an amplifi er using high-quality shielded RCA-terminated
cables. Your Classé dealer can advise you on the selection of cables suitable
for your system.
3 Tape
Connect these outputs to the right-channel and left-channel recording
inputs of your recorder.
ese single-ended RCA outputs are unaff ected by the volume control
on the front panel, or by whether you choose to monitor the source or
the recorder (by having the “tape” button on the front panel’s touchscreen
deselected or selected, respectively). Th
e record outputs will be disconnected
when the integrated amplifi er is placed into standby, however.
4 Tape
Connect the analog outputs of any recording device (analog tape recorder,
digital tape recorder, CD recorder, etc.) you may have to these single-ended
RCA inputs. You may select to hear the output of your recording device by
touching the tape monitor button on the main operational screen of the
Single-ended (RCA) inputs
ese RCA jacks accept right-channel and left-channel (single-ended)
inputs from line-level source equipment such as tuners, CD players,
and tape decks. Any of these inputs may be selected by touching the
corresponding button on the main operational screen of the front panel
To achieve the best possible results, we suggest that you use only high-
quality shielded interconnect cables. Please consult with your local Classé
dealer for advice on the best cables for use in your system.
optional phono preamp
If you have a turntable you would like to use with the system, an optional
phono preamplifi er module is available from your Classé dealer. Once
installed in your integrated amplifi er, the Line 1 input connectors become
your phono inputs, and the phono gain control in the menu system
becomes active, allowing you to select either low gain for all moving-
magnet (MM) and high-output moving-coil (MC) cartridges, or high gain
for standard output MC cartridges. (See the section Th
e Menu System for
more information.)
Balanced (XLR) input
ese XLR jacks accept right-channel and left-channel balanced signals
from a source component with balanced outputs. Th
is input may be
selected by touching the corresponding button on the main operational
screen of the front panel touchscreen.