Nextteq M8 Detection Paper User Manual

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M8 Detection Paper Manual

Tel: 813-249-5888 Toll free: 877-312-2333 / Fax: 813-249-0188 Toll free: 877-312-2444


section 11 – toxicological Information

RoUte oF eXPosURe

eye: Because this is a solid material and not a powder or dust, it is not

expected to be a route of exposure. If paper comes into contact with

eyes, flush immediately with clean water, including under eyelids for

not less than 15 minutes.

skin: Repeated or prolonged skin contact may cause dermatitis. In

case of contact with skin, immediately wash exposed area with soap

and water.

Inhalation: This product is not considered an inhalation hazard be-

cause it is not a powder or dust.

Ingestion: No specific information is available on ingestion of this

material. Do not eat, drink, take internally or consume M8 Detection

Paper. Consuming M8 Detection Paper may result in serious injury or

death. If ingested and conscious, wash out mouth with water. Seek

immediate medical attention.

sIGns AnD sYMPtoMs oF eXPosURe:

To the best of our knowledge, the chemical, physical, and toxicological

properties have not been thoroughly investigated.

section 12 – ecological Information

Not available.

section 13 – Disposal Considerations

Dispose in accordance with all federal, state, and local environmental

regulations and statutes.

section 14 – transport Information

Ship or transport this product in accordance with all federal, state

and local laws and regulations, including federal DOT, OSHA, and FAA


section 15 – Regulatory Information

UnIteD stAtes ReGULAtoRY InFoRMAtIon sARA LIsteD: No

CAnADA ReGULAtoRY InFoRMAtIon WHMIs Classification: Not

controlled under WHMIS.